We are a free charismatic evangelical community that has developed from a home circle of Christians. "Free" means that we are not under the umbrella of the Protestant regional church, do not receive church tax revenues, but are financed through donations. Spenden finanzieren.
But "free" also means: in our church
- Everyone is welcome
- No one needs shed their skin or pretend
... the worship part can be enjoyed sitting, standing, waving flags, quietly or exuberantly.
... we want to overcome blockages in our minds and open our hearts.
We have experienced the help of the living God in various ways in our lives. Our goal is to strengthen faith through experiential knowledge.
Pastors of the Elia Community Holstein:

Ulf-Peter and Anke Johann

(a) We believe in the one God who lives forever in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are of one substance, equal in power and glory, yet distinct in their roles.
(b) We believe that the worldwide Christian community represents the body of Christ. It is his bride and a temple of the Holy Spirit. Through it, Christ reigns presently in this world.
(c) We believe that Christ has endowed the church with unity and with the fivefold ministries: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
(d) We believe that the Holy Spirit equips the church for this purpose with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; empowering it with wisdom, power, miracles, prophetic speech, and healing for spirit, soul, and body; enabling it to overcome the tempter.
(e) We believe that the intervention of the Holy Spirit is needed to understand the Holy Scriptures.
The Elia Community Holstein affirms the Bible as the written Word of God, its divine inspiration, its complete reliability, and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct; the so-called "Nicene Creed" (Apostles' Creed), the doctrinal basis of the Evangelical Alliance of September 2, 1846, linguistically revised in 1972.
As the Elia Community Holstein, we gather in the community rooms at
Höpenredder 4,
24624 Großenaspe
The church address is:
Elia Gemeinde Holstein
Mühlenberg 3,
24616 Armstedt